Sunday, May 23, 2010

What...?!: Killian Martin, May 23rd, 2010.


Every once in a while, our roving freestyle reporter, AJ Kohn, will send over a YouTube link to something that we "Just have to check out for ourselves". And, because AJ has pretty discriminating tastes, we always pay attention to what he says...

It only happens a couple times a year, at the most. So, when we get mail from AJ, it's usually
not the standard-variety sheep-shit that everyone else is always spreading around. This week, AJ sent over this link to a three-and-a-half-minute-long short film by Brett Novak, of Killian Martin.

Really, there's not a whole lot to say about it. Because, no amount of words will ever do it justice. Just, check it out for yourself, and go
"What...?!" Just like we did, when we saw it for the first time...

Sit down tight, because you're about to be blown the hell away:

Many, many thanks to AJ Kohn for contributing stuff like this to The Solitary Life. You rule, buddy.
