Sunday, May 23, 2010

Support The Skatepark Day: Greenwood, IN; May 23rd, 2010


"Support The Skatepark Day"
Greenwood, Indiana
Saturday, May 23rd, 2010


Yesterday, the second of a series of "Support The Skatepark" days went off at the Greenwood skatepark, also known as "Northeastway Park". If you haven't seen it, Greenwood's park is... well, kinda sad, really. Basically, it's a whole buncha prefabricated steel obstacles that are slowly sinking into the asphalt slab that they're sitting on. "Janky" comes to mind, real fast, whenever I think of the Greenwood park...

The turnout was small, but significant. The "small" part probably happened because:

- The park sucks. Which we all knew, already...
- The weather was being... how's a "nice" way to put it...? Let's say: "Typical Springtime Indiana". Another way could be: "Predictably Unpredictable"... and, lastly,
- It was muggy as hell out there, with the Humid-O-Meter holding steady at about 10,000%...

But, it was "significant" because, in spite of all of the "wrongs"... the day still ended up being all right. A few heavies came out to play, there were tunes on-site (a big thanks goes out to Paul Christian for that one)... and, one small girl even came up to me, and handed me an ice-cold, glistening Coke. Now, there's the kind of kid that the world needs more of. She instantly became my Favorite Person Of The Day. Maybe even, Favorite Person of the Week...

Here's a few photos that I took, while I baked in the sun for the afternoon:


Matt Rome, doing a backside nollie bigspin to backside disaster on Greenwood's smallest quarterpipe. He's just about to catch that board, and then beat the shit out of the coping with it. For the record: This single quarterpipe is about the only good thing to skate, at this park. So, naturally, most of us spent most of the day skating it...


Dan Craycraft, getting ready to sweep up around the coping. Personally, I'm kinda liking the fact that kids are so easily mashing up the "old school" and the "new school"... although, I still prefer to just call it "skateboarding", and leave it at that.


Dan, again. This time with a clean nosegrind on the "bench" obstacle. He did this about six times in a row, and it seriously looked this good, every time.


Nate Jones, midway through a frontside 50/50, frontside shove out. The perfect ending to a pretty good afternoon...
