Sunday, May 2, 2010

Around The Internet: May 2nd, 2010


So, I was at Miramar Longboards' Facebook page, checking out photos of their decks... like:




...when, totally out of the blue, I stumbled on this little gem:


"Whoa...!" Is this finally proof that longboarding isn't "gay"...? I don't care, man. Just look at the booty, for pete's sakes...

So, I start thinking that it's kinda weird that 'ol girl's holding a Sector Niner. I mean, it's Miramar's Facebook, right? Not, Sector Nine's...

No worries: I'd still ride it.

Then, I noticed the "copyright" tag in the corner. Being the four-eyed geek [with terrible eyesight] that I am, I had to kinda squint it a bit, to barely make out that "Scott Church" in the corner. So, what'd I do?! I Googled that shit, of course...

And, I found this:

Okay guys, you can totally trust me on this one: It's well worth the three seconds that it takes to cut and paste that URL. No, seriously. Check it out.

Now, here's my question: If I say that I "love" his work... does that make me a finely nuanced appreciator of high art...? Or, just a pervy four-eyed geek...?

Elsewhere on the internet, Concrete Wave Magazine finally rebuilt their website. Looks good, too! You'll find it here:

They did a really good piece... by "they", I mean Keith Gillogly, of course... on the trials and tribulations of the "core retailer". It's called "Malled To Death", and it's right here:

I'm a huge fan of The Pin-Up Files (I know, I know... obviously, I'm a dude, dude...):

... and, through there, I found the artwork of Andrew Bawidamann:


"Bad Habit", circa 2001...

See more Bawidamann, here:

Then, there's the usual skate-related discussions at Skull and Bones and Slap, some funny sarcasm at Skate and Annoy, and the latest in "industry news" at Boardistan and Shop-Eat-Surf...

But, honestly, I'm kinda feelin' the Miramar Girl. Lates.
