Saturday, April 17, 2010

Keeping It Clean: Major Taylor


Last Sunday (the 11th of April, 2010), the Old Indy Skaters had their weekly session at Major Taylor. Before the session (as well as, after the session...), the guys (me, included) took the time to clean the place up. Check it out:

Here's a panoramic of the park, and the surrounding grounds. Look at that! No shit [trash, litter, garbage, etc.] anywhere. Who woulda thunk it?! The OIS Dudes, that's who. Geniuses! All of 'em..! (But, mostly Bart… he is The Plan Man, after all…). Hey, kids: This is how we do shit, the "proper" way.

That bag in the inset photo is my Hefty bag-'o-recyclables. Note that it's filled to the brim. How many assholes do you think I cleaned up after, with that thing...? (The correct answer is: Too Damned Many...)

Being the overachieving jackass that I am, I went one better: I rounded up the recyclables (cans, bottles… y'know, about 90% of the crap that gets left there…), and, I recycled that shit. Recycling kicks ass. Get with the program, dude.

Next time you see Bart, Brian, Big Mike, Tim, or any of the other OIS heads (look for the boss-as-hell club tees, broham)… make damned sure that you thank them for picking up after your lazy ass. Those guys rule so hard, and you don't even know it.

Hey, here's even better idea: Next time, why don't you try picking up after yourself, hmmm…? Fuckin' kids…
