Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Upcoming Events, November 1st, 2011:



JJ Rudisill always sends in the coolest flyers...! I'm guessing this one's in NYC, since that's where The Bossman lives and all. Still the coolest dude ever...


A little closer to home, Ryan Draper of Rooftop Skateboards has organized a weekly skate session at the Bedford (Indiana) Skatepark. Every Saturday at 2pm, sharp. The skatepark is at US 50 and Q Street in Bedford, about a half-mile east of 37 south. It's a prefab SkateWave park, but it's pretty large (relative to most SkateWave parks...), and fairly fun (again, relative to most SkateWave parks). Look for the city pool; the park is right behind it.

Lastly, we still have the 1031 demo happening at Killer Skatepark in Evansville, Indiana on November 21st, 2011. Starts at 6:00 PM CST, costs $10.00 at the door. For more info, call 812.402.2940 or surf www.killerskatepark.com.
