Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Newsworthy: October 19th, 2010


We've got a couple of midwest happenings to report this week, as well as a good cause to help out:

First off: Let's start off with Duane Peters. The legendary "Master of Disaster". This time, the "disaster" was a shattered knee, that led to a staph infection, that very nearly led to Duane losing his leg at the knee. Of course, Duane being Duane, he pulled it [again], and the doctors managed to save Duane's leg. Albeit for a very, very hefty price tag.

To help Duane with his newfound medical bills, Dave Hackett has offered to help Duane sell off parts of his collection via eBay. There's some really cool rarities and one-offs in there (the Red Cross decks alone are worth every penny, and then some). Check it out here:


Next up: The Instrument 5-Year Anniversary Party. Congrats to Gary Collins and the crew on that one! I got the invite, but unfortunately we're tied up with plans already. Maybe someone could send over a few photos or a write-up or something...? In any rate, here's to the next five, guys! (*Toasts all around, here!*)


The "other" big event that we got the heads-up on this week, is the OIS Indy/OIS Ohio "Halloween Bash" at Boards-Inc. Skatepark in Richmond, Indiana on October the 30th (duh). This will be the second time in two weeks that the two OIS's are going to be getting together, which is pretty rad. Come one, come all! Everyone's invited to this one, so we'll [hopefully] see ya there!

Any news to report? Send it on over to, and we'll get the word out.
